Tribe Of Total Order

 “one must face chaos to give birth to a star”

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

In the times of Corona

As I sit here to finally put my research and learning life lessons into action, I am reminded that we truly are all from one source, yet that doesn’t seem to matter in the here and now. I feel as though we are all walking this Earth and have lost our way, which can be easily overturned with a few reminders, we as conscience beings should all put our pride aside and unite as one human race for the betterment of all.

Let me explain. During this time of Corona virus aka covid-19 I found myself reverting back to my days as a sterile life biological life sciences technician for Cardinal Health in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I then chose to look up the Genome and see exactly what I needed to prepare myself for this since I have Multiple Sclerosis and like to Always Be Prepared.

As I stayed up multiple week nights to do my research, I found myself listening on Youtube to Thoth’s Emerald tablets and diving into the science world. We have 3 elementary aged kids so I knew if this virus was worth the school ending its year prematurely for home learning then I knew I needed to make sure the top officials were on it. Kids bring home every sickness as many people know, and with me having an auto-immune illness I wanted to see what the proper medication blocker was.

My research led me to Tamiflu, and Moringa Oleifera (Tree of Life from Pakistan region) and vitamins. I went to my Doctor and also the local infectious diseases Doctor and informed them of my research and naturally I was looked at like I was crazy. I have always dealt with this look but continue to prove my truth, literally my research was based of NCBI and Genetics research not written by me of course, I was also taught to triple verify everything.

The months went on where I noticed people on the Main Stream Media channels were lying about prevention of virus’ and also that they didn’t know where it could have originated. I had found it in 2 weeks time by scanning articles and plotting the specific gene mutations it was to attack. I saved my information and also printed it out, multiple copies, just in case wherever it came from decided to delete their research. I sat on this info in my home while watching in horror the number counts going up and listening to my worst fear, the human genocide of Uyghur Muslim’s.

I am your typical blonde hair, blue eyed, white as a cloud female in the United States who is also Roman Catholic, what should I care about Uyghur Muslims in China? Well, my faith which I haven’t actively practiced since my twins were baptized, leading me towards looking into the pure genetics of this virus and which gene mutation it was targeting. I found it and literally traced it to the Uyghur’s, my mouth dropped. I found as much evidence I could find that had been entered into the Promethease database, along with multiple genome research group forums that also like to connect specific genetic mutations to biblical figures. The second I noticed everyone on my tv saying that this was biblical, I knew I had to inform someone, anyone.

Now, during this time I changed my mental gears to start researching more about Muslims, why would they be targeted specifically in China? What exactly is China reporting about this? Naturally you have to sign in through a VPN, I like NORD VPN personally, and then you start looking for family members of the Uyghurs who were literally taken away to a concentration camp setting and see what their stories are. They are HORRIFYING. I sat in front of my computer literally with a look of devastation and shock on my face, is this real? I’ve honestly never paid much attention to China or what was going on over there, this was the beginning of my passion for saving lives sprouting new branches.

I was able to locate as of December 2019, that the gene mutation that was targeted by the virus was literally killing those who had the mutation SIN2500, in my opinion from reading multiple research articles in genetic genealogy and also mutation differences and what they mean once switched on. I Believe that the Uyghur’s are targeted because many have the bloodline of John the Baptist fr4om his travels, literally majority of the Uyghur’s have this mutation and once it gets switched/activated it can be deadly and they also live in communities along the old Silk route.

Now, I found some forums where geneticists and virologists were agreeing on the targeted mutation but didn’t know where it came from or why it was specifically going after this gene mutation.

Now, I must mention that during this time I was also doing research on both candidates for the United States election 2020 and I literally couldn’t find much on Trump, but holy guacamole did I hit the motherload on Biden, this piqued my interest even more. I then started to see lots and lots of coincidences with the Biden family and their overseas dealings. I also found lot’s of blackmail on majority of our lobbyists, Senate, and Judiciary including “Black Hats” in our own CIA, FBI and DOJ.

Having the info that I had researched and dug up and knowing the system was corrupt, I asked myself “where does one go with this damning info, proof, pictures etc if the top of the top are corrupt?”. As the months went on I kept reassuring myself that the science and facts would prevail and that all humans are compassionate and caring. Sadly I have learned this is not true. Then I dove into the Epstein files and realized Jeffrey Epstein was a black hat if you will, had an island where he had very wealthy important figures go to party, do illegal things while secretly (maybe openly also) video recording everything….. Then later when they or someone else needed favors they had blackmail on them. Whether it was sleeping with trafficked teens or unfortunately younger children sodomizing them etc it was all recorded.

Once you have this horrible blackmail that either voluntarily or un-voluntarily happened, you basically own that powerful elite and can use them and their job title or influence for anything, can even call in favors to make that person more rich and famous etc. Meanwhile innocent teens and kids were being tortured, politicians and bankers also were traumatized, don’t get me wrong. I’ve literally read and heard dozens of stories that people, Adults, were targeted and if they weren’t interested then a gun was held to their head to do it. Families have been threatened, lives have been ruined and some literally were “suicided”. Just disgusting.

Now that horrific description was only the beginning of this deep dive into the insanity that is the Epstein trial, when he was suicided I literally stopped hearing about it all and had to go on my own for discovery, along the way I was dragged down many rabbit holes etc but it literally opened my eyes to this world gone corrupt, and when the main religious figures wouldn’t speak up and I found dirt on them I admit I started to lose faith in humanity. What to do, what to do?

Faith is a funny thing sometimes, I started having more dreams and intuitive situations that thankfully distracted me from all this filthy rottenness, and I started to focus more on Genetic genealogy and that where I started on my journey of realizing exactly what was going on. The literal battle of Good vs Evil. I started to listen to the Qur’an, Tanakh, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, the Veda’s, Epic of Gilgamesh, Myths and legends, and also Antiquities of the Jews (my personal fave). As my hours were full of finding out who I am through Ancestry, I started to realize that genetics truly are passed down from out ancestors and I also realized that the idea of past life regression has a ring to it. I started at first to follow all my recent ancestors who were indentured servants (all Caucasian by the way), and as I kept hitting roadblocks in genealogy the old fashioned way, names/dates/places etc, I decided I needed a full mtDNA sequencing test done to truly verify all of this.

I decided to sign up for the Family Tree mtDNA full sequencing test to get all my specific mutations and haplogroup info. Man oh Man am I glad I got this test! Since I have always been obsessed with research and truth I couldn’t believe my eyes when realizing how awesome this was. I was able to find 5th cousins and was able to verify through DNA and ancestry both, what an amazing tool.

For a quick backstory, I was adopted at birth since I was the result of a one night stand, and my mother was a 16 year old who ran away from home and knew she couldn’t raise a child on her own. My adoptive parents were so thankful to be able to raise a child, since they were unable to naturally (medical issues). I grew up in a military house setting, Dad was in the Navy (Aviation) and my Mom was a Catholic School Teacher. We moved a lot and eventually settled in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I’m convinced it all was for a reason whether I knew it or not. Just like every teen I felt like I was abandoned since I was adopted and I never felt as though I truly fit in even though I now look back and am extremely grateful for my upbringing in every way.

Now, when I turned 16 I used America Online to search for the names listed on my original birth certificates and actually found them, my biological parents. I reached out, and long story short was able to get names/dates/locations etc for my genealogy research.

Now, in the summer of 2019 I started feeling the urge to really discover my routes and I made 2 trips to Georgia to visit my ancestors who were buried at Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church. What a humbling experience I must say, most of their farm homes were destroyed and the vibe of just being there healed my soul I swear. After this humbling experience, my interest was solely focused on educating myself on the history of the time during each ancestor I came across in my journey of genealogy. I heard first hand stories about my great great grandmother being Cherokee and was born in North Carolina and that they ended up in Georgia. So as I was searching for her, I found myself.

I received my complete genetic sequence and was asked to join multiple groups that were researching the Tower of Babel and other religious connections. I literally never paid attention in Theology class, not close enough attention anyway to truly make a difference. My mtDNA apparently is rare and had been traced to Ham’s wife, Ne’elatama’uk, whom I never heard of before this and then I realized the Bible was a journal & genealogy of my bloodline… Sounds crazy I know, but now in 2021 I wouldn’t have imagined all the proof that was headed my way.

My DNA sent me on a wild goose hunt of sorts, and then as I traced my ancestry I couldn’t help but wonder if that specific SIN2500 gene mutation was related somehow to the Bible? It was! It literally apparently was known as a John the Baptist Gene marker. When I realized this, that if only someone who knew religion and genetics would collaborate then in my mind the Pope would stop it, or an Imam or anyone of religious authority. That NEVER happened. I am hoping to change that.

Now back to Epstein, he was a geneticist… People don’t know this or at least most don’t. As I kept on researching everything under the sun on all these different things I was able to put together my hypothesis as to what was REALLY go on here and how Evil truly is behind it all. Naturally I told all 5 people that I talk to, I’m pretty much a hermit lol and naturally they all reacted with “you can’t say that, it’s too evil, people aren’t that evil” and looks of “are you mentally ok?” haha. I knew that was a possible response but also knew that I had triple checked all my facts and even ran them up against other people’s thoughts etc. No one had made these same connections.

Time went on and as the world was falling apart I realized there is no Savior that is going to come in and fix it, humanity is so flawed that all these officials care more about themselves and their money than about others and their experiences here on Earth. As I watched the Election in 2020 and saw on the Dark web the proof of election fraud I knew I had to get my hypothesis of covid out there and to speak up for those who couldn’t. So I did what I do best, I got all my facts together, and on December 12, 2012 at 12:12PM I mailed out a Medium flat rate box filled to the brim to a law firm. I didn’t want to send to the 3 letter agencies since they were corrupt etc, so I literally put this all out into my opinion, God’s hands. If anything all this highlighted paperwork at minimum proves crimes against humanity. I didn’t even send my proof of election fraud, it was mainly focused on all the coincidences of the Elite’s working together to open up tourist type locations to make a profit in the future, think Belt and Road initiative, Silk Road Economic Belt project etc. I was discovering that what was decided apparently was that the poor communities were in the way, they were an eye sore and to fix this they removed those that were in the way of a beautiful new tourist attraction that was going to bring in a lot of money…. Literally no respect for life, no caring about those people and their opinions about their ancestral lands. EVERYONE is in cahoots with each other and majority is involved in this genocide for profit without realizing it in most cases, they don’t research more than how much profit is to be made… It is the true definition of Evil.

Meanwhile, Biological warfare is being used through Covid-19 and lots of distractions are being used to cover up all the financial corruption and greediness going on. I literally have everything, and have sent copies out, yet the world has not even heard half of the truth of what these people are doing. Lots of people are pawns and they have blackmail being held over their heads. I truly never thought Satanist’s were real, boy was I wrong. I will just say, those crazy conspiracy theories have truth to them, and I have sadly opened Pandora’s box to discover that Snuff films are real, and I witnessed Hillary Clinton’s frazzledrip tape, please I beg of you DO NOT WATCH IT! I still just cry at the thought.

Now, how in the hell do we fix this? God can only do so much, we are here in physical form and must take these matters into our own hands. I see that a majority of people who know there is something more sinister going on behind the scenes are doing their own research, yet most of us have no pull in the main stream world. I certainly don’t as a middle aged housewife, whose white as can be and in a world with BLM and Antifa running our streets I certainly don’t want to be involved in that, same with the border crises etc. Well, my proposition is to Create TOTO, a Tribe Of Total Order, meaning let’s unite for the GOOD of this world and combat this EVIL! It is chaotic everywhere and I do not want the Elites to try to take credit for healing the world, so let’s do it together!

We are about to learn a LOT about our “idols” and if anything I have realized why we shouldn’t have Idols to worship, Human’s are flawed and can be lured by Earthly things to do what is in their best interest, not everyone’s. Some big names are about to be dropped and their disgusting unbelievable crimes as well. I literally have a hard time believing most of these people are bad yet so far on the dark web there is way too much Truth and a lot of people are going to feel let down etc. These are major names, and major influencers who have lied to the public while the average human just wants to live in Peace, let’s unite in Peace. We can save ourselves, we also must realize that Satanic Ritual Abuse is real, it’s disturbing, and majority of those who commit these heinous crimes are victims in one way or another. I propose counseling on a massive scale, and forgiveness in the human flaws we all were born with. It’s not too late for you if you’ve committed any of these crimes, but there is a way for redemption and making this place better. Honestly it does all come down to love and compassion, and if you have even just the slightest want for a better inclusive world, then please join my Tribe ❤

The facts are available if you just dig for them, I will list lots of corruption ties etc, but I mainly want JUSTICE and in order for Peace, Love & Respect to prevail we need to come together to create a wonderful world.

Rant over, now I will be making videos about my thoughts on bettering this planet and making things right, meanwhile I will keep exposing things here in hopes of someone somewhere reading my thoughts and researching for themselves. I do NOT want WW3 and if you’ve read this far then odds are you don’t either. I’m not sure how else to unite everyone but I want to expose myself meaning the facts around the United States, Slavery, Elections/Royalty, Race etc that I have discovered along my routes of discovering exactly who I am with proof. I will post my supporting proof in a separate post since I want this post to spark an interest in the Elites and their greediness now.

I am going to post more in another article as I’m sure you are exhausted reading this right now, but please join me in a Universal Tribe Of Total Order and we can unite to guide others into living in Peace and Prosperities. All are welcome, main thing is to want to do GOOD in this world and leave it better than how we received it my friends. PLUR

Published by QosMyos

Politely informing the inhabitants of this planet, truth be told.

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